Adaptation...A Way of Life
After gaining background knowledge of adaptations used by squid, cuttlefish, octopus and the chambered nautilus, which organism has the most effective adaptations for survival? Your blog comment needs to give specific details to support your answer. Please review the blog comment expectations found in the column to the right.
The octopus has the best adaptation because of three reasons. One reason is that they have very good camouflage. When they are trying to get away from predators they could either use ink, use jet propulsion, or they could use their camouflage. They can camouflage by anything like coral, rocks, sand, etc. Another reason is that they can squeeze into really tight spaces. If they smell food in a jar they will stick one tentacle into the jar and feel around in the jar. When it is done feeling its way in the jar it will add another tentacle and start to make its way into the jar. When it is in the jar it will eat whatever is in the jar. It could also use that skill for getting away from predators. The final reason is that they crawl on the surface of the sea floor. That can help them from getting away from predators to. Living on the floor of the ocean is easier for them to find food because their are a lot of shells and clams on the floor for them to eat. These are several reasons why the octopus has the best adaptation.
The organism that I think has the most effective adaptation is the squid. Squids have many adaptations that affect them and things around them. One adaptation is that they have ten arms. They are called tentacles and two of them are longer than the other eight of them. Squid use the eight tentacles to feel things and the longer two to catch prey and bring it to their beak. One other adaptation is that they have is the shape of their body. There bodies are unique in shape and size. Not all squid come in the same size. In the Cephalopods article it says that squid can range from under an inch to more than 60 feet in length. There bodies are long and their heads are small, this adaptation affects how they swim. They are very fast swimmers and the way their body is formed makes them swim faster. Next, squid have a long tube called a siphon. Siphons suck water in and push it back out. Depending on the way they want to go can affect what way they want to point the siphon. They siphon also gets rid of waste and squirts the ink. One of the last adaptation that the squid has is a beak. The beak is located on top of their mouth and they use it to break down shells before they eat it. Finally, different squid have different adaptations. For example, some squid can change color while others create light or squirt ink to get away from predators. Octopus, Chambered Nautilus, Cuttlefish, and Squid, all have effective adaptations but I think the squid has the most effective one.
ReplyDeleteDear Mrs.Blake
ReplyDeleteI believe that the squid is the organism that has the best adaptation for survival because if you are a predator of the squid then you will try and sneak up on it but it is so hard because he has two sides that blend in. One side is a colorful side that faces the bottom of the ocean so if a predator tries to come in from below it won't see it. Then if you look down you will see nothing because it has a brighter side that faces the top of the ocean that will blend in with the ocean floor.
Jack R
the octopus is the best for survival because it is the predator over the squid and the cuttlefish and that it can eat more than them and is larger usually.
ReplyDeleteBy: Caiden C. 2/12/15
ReplyDeleteI think the chambered nautilus has the most effective adaptations because their jet can dig ,change how high in the water they are by using different gases stored in their shell, and use tentacles to figure out what has been in the area that they're searching for food in. They also use their tentacles to figure out if there pretaror the octopus. I also think know that they have very slow swimming techniques but overall they are very talented and can be a very smart in lethal or calm situations. In conclusion that is why I think the chambered nautilus has the most effective adaptations.
I think that the cephalopod with the most effective adaptations for survival is the octopus for these reasons. They have 8 long tentacles to hold and eat their prey, they have taste sensors that let it know if it is something it should eat. It would make catching prey easier because of their long arms. The taste sensors would let it know if it captured a rock or a fish, this would help incase they were going to eat a rock because if they did they would die. Octopus’ have no shell, so they can squeeze into tight spaces. This could help if they ever needed to hide from prey. It can also help when they are trying to catch prey because then they can hide even better. Some octopus’ can camouflage to hide from prey or to attack prey. This would help because it would be a lot harder for them to escape if they couldn’t hide so well. They also use this technique when they see their prey coming. Many species can shoot ink. This distracts the predator or thing that is harming it so it can get away to safety. This helps when they feel threatened and they can shoot their ink and swim away and hide.
ReplyDeleteI think that the octopus has the most effective adaptations. All of the cephalopods have similar adaptations, but I think that the octopus uses them in a way that enhances their chances of survival. The octopus has a three defense strategy. First, it uses it camouflaging skin to blend into it’s surroundings. Then, it blanches white and expands, to try to scare the predator away. Finally, it uses it’s ink to spray in one direction and flee in the other. These adaptations make it so that almost every time the octopus is stuck in a life or death situation it can get away. That is why I believe that the octopuses adaptations are most effective for survival.
ReplyDeleteThe squid because it has lots of great physical features that are needed to survive in a rough ocean.For example the squid has lots of suction cups on it’s arms and tentacles to pull it’s prey in.Also the squid have good eyesight because their eye is almost the width of it’s body.With the squids suction cups the squid has a built in advantage because it can suck it’s prey in with his tentacles and pull them into it’s arms to eat it.
ReplyDeletefrom Cainan F.
I think out of all of the cephalopods, the squid has the most effective adaptations. The squid has a small body part, named the siphon. The siphon serves 3 purposes to help the squid survive. The first one is that the siphon gets rid of waste. The squid can also point the siphon in any direction and when they do so, they suck water into it and then shoot it back out for movement. The last thing that the siphon does is, squirt out ink. Ink is an adaptation too, when a cephalopod squirts their black ink towards a predator then it distracts the predator and gives the cephalopod some time to swim away. Another adaptation is the squids eight arms and two tentacles. The two tentacles reach out for their prey, grab it and bring it back close into their body for the rest of the squid’s arms to keep it in place. Squids bodies are a torpedo like shape so they can quickly fly through the water to get away from predators. One other adaptation that squid have are their beaks. Squids beaks are one of the only hard pieces to their bodies. The beak is located right in the middle of all their arms. The beak helps break down food, so its easier for the squid to swallow. The squid has quite a few of effective adaptations for survival.
ReplyDeleteCuttlefish are the cephalopods with the most effective adaptations for survival. They use cells in their skin to camouflage from predators and hypnotize prey. Cuttlefish can camouflage themselves from predators at will by blending into a surface completely.They also have a shell (or a mantel) on their body for protection. As a defence method, they ink if necessary, fogging out the water, and they swim away. When hunting for food, the cuttlefish’s nervous system creates bands of color throughout it’s body, made from cells in the skin which expand and contract. It lulls its prey into a hypnotic trance and when it is close enough, the cuttlefish grabs its prey with two long tentacles and brings it up to its beak to be eaten. The cuttlefish is a well adapted cephalopod with its defense from predators and hypnotic colors to lure prey.
ReplyDeleteI think that the organism that has the most effective adaptations for survival is the Octopus.I think this because after reading about this organism it had three adaptations for survival. Fitting into very small spaces,Squirting ink,and suction cups.
ReplyDeleteFirst, it is very helpful adaption to fit into small places because as a predator is trying to get the octopus he can hide into a very small place the predator can not get them.
Second, another adaption that is helpful is ink. Lets say if someone tried to take the octopus they can squirt the ink into the predators eyes or mouth which makes the predator go away.
Last, an adaptation that helps them to survive is having suction cups on the bottom of their tentacles. This helps them by holding their prey and feeling the prey to know if this can swallow this big of what they have just caught. These are three adaptations that help most in survival.
The octopus has the most effective adaptations for survival because they have the adaption to squeeze into tiny places and fit into whatever they please. Also they have camouflage so there predators and prey won’t spot them. These adaptations help octopuses survive by helping the octopus get away from predators and camouflage to not be seen. In conclusion I think that the octopus has the most effective adaptations for survival.
ReplyDeleteThe organism that is most affected in the adaptations is the octopus. The adaptations of the octopus are magnificent. Like the ink that it squirts, the beautiful camouflage that it has. There are other adaptations that help it survive. Like the circle patterns that keep moving to change the texture and color it changes into. It last adaptation is having tentacles with suction cups to catch it’s prey.
Sci 7 Jayden Anggormas
ReplyDeleteThe reasons why I think the octopus has the most effective adaptations is because of it’s 8 tentacles, the beak, and it’s other adaptations. First, the octopus has 8 has tentacles not 2 tentacles like the squid. It makes it easier for the octopus to grab its prey because they each tentacle is very long and has suction cups on it so it can grasp it’s prey better. Also the suction cups have sensors so it can feel what it caught and decide if it wants to eat it or not. Second, the beak of the octopus because it is so powerful because it can bite through it’s prey and break shells of other kinds of prey, but it can also inject the prey with a toxic substance. Finally, octopus have other important adaptations such as changing color to camouflage, so predators can’t find them. They can also shoot ink so they can escape from their predators by squirting their predators with the ink so they have to stop whale the octopus gets away. That is why I think the octopus has the most effective adaptations.
All cephalopods have very useful adaptations, but already having background knowledge about the squid I researched the other cephalopods. Those are the octopus, chambered nautilus, and the cuttle fish. After researching I found that the chambered nautilus has the most effective adaptations.
ReplyDeleteFirst, the chambered nautilus has this one really helpful adaptation, the shell of the chambered nautilus is separated into many different chambers. Those chambers are filled with gas, and they help the chambered nautilus stay buoyant. They need that buoyancy because their shell can’t withstand pressure more that 2,600 feet. So being buoyant is very helpful for their survival.
Another helpful adaptation of the chambered nautilus is that they have a siphon, a part in their body that propels them through the water. This uses very little energy, so they only have to eat once a month. That is helpful for survival because if the chambered nautilus were to be in a place where there wasn’t any food they would be fine.This is because they can survive without eating for a month.
The last adaptation is the chambered nautilus has a very hard shell. This would be a helpful adaption because the chambered nautilus has soft innards and organs that need to be protected. That is where the shell comes in. If a predator were to attack it, they would have to break their shell first.
In conclusion, the chambered nautilus has the best adaptations. This is because the adaptations include a shell filled filled with gas for buoyancy, a siphon that helps them not need to eat for a month, and a hard shell for protection. That is what makes the chambered nautilus the animal with the best adaptations.
All of these creatures are in the mollusks family but there adaptations differ greatly. for example the Cuttlefish can camouflage itself, change shapes, propel itself from predators by shooting water from its''s guts. the Chambered Nautilus is known as the "living fossil". This is the only cephalopod that has a fully developed shell for protection. this has little changes over the last 400 million years. This is actually hunted by the octopus.
ReplyDeleteThe squid has adapted very well in that its' shaped like a torpedo and can move quickly from its' prey, It has the largest eyes, 10 tentacles with suction cups with hooks and can change color.
Now the Octopus, has the most adaptations which are as follows 280 suction cups on all its tentacles. The most definitive adaptations is that it has very good eye sight so it can see its' prey in little to no light. It camouflages itself flawlessly by using three different colors of red, yellow and brow. Being an invertebrate it can wiggle its' way out of danger followed by a squirt of ink mixed with muscis to blind its prey. So the octopus has the most adaptations out of its fellow cephalopods.
I believe that the octopus has the best adaptations for its environment. This is because the octopus can change colors and blend into anything. It also can fit into almost anything its only hold back is its beak. Plus, its suction cups help the octopus hold on to things, it could even help hold on to prey. The octopus has an ink sack too, when something is going to attack it , it turns white and puffs up. If that didn't scare the predator it uses its ink, that has an awful taste, on the predator. Theses are the reasons that the octopus has the best adaptations.
ReplyDeleteI think that the best adaptations are on the squid. I think this because it is many different adaptations to survive. One is its awesome Siphon. With the siphon the squid is able to shoot ink out, move around, and dispose of waste. Another cool adaptations is there long tentacles. They have suction cups on the ends to hunt and defend. Last, they can camouflage. Camouflage is a way of hiding from predators. This will be helpful when hunting and hiding. That is why I think the squid has the best adaptations. -Nick Davis S7
ReplyDeleteI think that the most effective adapted cephalopod are cuttlefish because cuttlefish have a way to sneak up on prey and keep predators away. Cuttlefish like squid and octopi can change their skin color to help them survive, but Cuttlefish can hypnotize prey to eat. The way this works is that Cuttlefishes skin has little color dots that when the become bigger and smaller they make hypnotizing color patterns that make prey stop in their tracks. Crab for instance are prey of Cuttlefish, when a Cuttlefish see’s the crab and is desperate it will start changing colors so the crab doesn’t scurry away. The Cuttlefish soon reaches and grabs the crab and eats it. Predators on the other hand are a different story. Cuttlefish still use their skin and change colors, but when cuttlefish see predators they use their skin to hide instead of hypnotize.
Maddelin S.
Sci. 7
I think that the Cephalopod with the most effective adaptations for survival is the octopus. The octopus is capable of quick camouflage. You can’t even see it when it is in camouflage even if you look really hard. It can also change it’s texture, so one part of a pant looks rough, and the other part smooth and shiny. The octopus can also ink to scare or stall predators. I will make the animal not able to see just long enough for the octopus to get away. An octopus can also propel itself by shooting a jet of water out of their body cavity. So, in conclusion, an octopus will most likely be the most safe cephalopod because of it’s wonderful defensive adaptations.
ReplyDelete-Corinne K.
The cephalopod with the most effective adaptations is the octopus. This fascinating creature has many key adaptations to help it survive in the depths of the predator filled ocean.
ReplyDeleteThe first of the octopus’s important adaptation is it’s amazing camouflage skills. When the octopus feels the need to go into camouflage mode it will touch the thing it wants to be colored as and completely change it’s skin color and it’s texture. This is very helpful when eluding a predator.
The second most important adaptation is it’s startle defense. When the octopus is in camouflage and the predator still is searching around it’s hiding spot the octopus will pop out from the place where it was hiding and turn into this big white monster looking thing. Once it does that it will ink and then try to swim away from the predator chasing it.
The final adaptation of the octopus is it’s suction cups on it’s tentacles. These suction cups help it hold onto things. They also are used to feel things so the octopus knows what it’s swimming along with.
As you can see, the octopus has very advanced adaptations including it’s high tech camouflage, startling startle defense, and it’s sensical tentacles.
I think the octopus has the most effective adaptations because they have camouflage. This adaptation helps them because they can hide from predators and surprise attack prey. Another adaptation octopus has is the suction cup on their legs/arms. These help them feel where they are going and where they are. For example if an octopus was in a tank and there was a tank next to it they could get out of the tank and get into the tank next to the tank. This helps them because they have extreme sensors to help get food and explore. Also octopuses legs/arm are very strong and even though octopus are small they are mighty.
ReplyDeleteI think the squid or octopus have more adaptations for survival because they can camouflage, they can ink. But the squid has camouflage by just floating because when a predator looks down on it it doesn't see it because the squid's back is darker and blends in with the dark part of the ocean. When you look under it, its belly blends in with the lighter part of the ocean.
ReplyDeleteThe octopus has the most effective adaptations for survival. The Octopus has no bones which means anything that its beak can fit through their whole body can fit through also. This gives them an advantage over the rest because it can hide in small cracks in the ocean and be protected by hiding. Also the octopus can change color to hide from its predators and hide so it can catch its prey. Octopus have 8 tentacles with suction cups on them to hold on and catch their prey. I highly think that the octopus would have better survival adaptations than the others for those reasons. Lastly they can use their color change to their advantage because they can hide from predators and hide from their prey so they can catch them for food and nothing would even notice because he was camo.
I think out of all the cephalopods the octopus rules them. I think this because octopuses are masters of disguise and ambush. I think they are the top predator because their not that big but they can take things down twice their weight.
Dylan M
I think the octopus has the best adaptations for survival. Although the other animals have adaptations I think the squid has those and others. For example the chambered nautilus has a propeller but the octopus has a propeller and can camouflage. The octopus can also get white and then huge to scare off any enemies. These are just some reasons why the octopus has the best adaptations for survival.
ReplyDeleteI think that the octopus has the best adaptations. I think this because the octopus is bigger and faster than most cephalopods. The octopus has an adaption of three hearts, so that more blood can run through the body. It also has very long arms so that it can reach its prey. It also has suction cups on its arms that can sense things around it. It also is very intelligent.
ReplyDeleteDear Mrs.Blake,
ReplyDeleteI believe that the octopus has the most adaption for two big reasons. One reason is because it has ink pack which allows it to scare away his predators or thing that might scare it (humans). When a predator comes near it the octopus ink squirt out for a short amount of time, But just enough to get away.Another reason for having the most adaption is because it can go into tiny compartments of space. This helps it to get away from predators because nothing can get it. This proves why it has the most adaption.
Saelah Pescevic