Thursday, March 19, 2015

Energy Viewpoints

We have spent almost two weeks learning about energy resources in class.  Using your background knowledge of these resources please write a comment answering the following question.

Imagine you live in an area that has access to all nine types of energy studied in class.  If you were in charge of choosing the energy resource used by a city in the area, which energy resource would you select?  Please explain why.  In your explanation of why, include two specific pieces of evidence to support your selection and one specific piece of evidence that is an admission of a negative for this type of energy.


  1. Dear Mrs. Blake,

    I would choose Solar energy, because the sun will always be here. The sun is not just going to disappear one day, so you can get energy from it. If is night, then the solar panels will store energy up, so you can use it. I know it’s expensive to put in the ground, but you will make a profit in no time.

    Grant v.

  2. I would chose Geothermal energy because with geothermal energy I would heat my home and pool. I would also use it for many other reasons. I would also et is because geothermal energy cost very little money. people would also get it because you don’t have to dig it out of the ground. It comes out on its own.

    Sincerely, Dylan M

  3. If I could pick I a resource out of the nine available I would pick Hydropower because water will never go away it just keeps going through the water cycle. I also choose this resource because of how much water the earth has it has oceans just stick a dam in front a de-saltazation machine and then you have water going through it constantly. This is why I would pick this resource.

  4. I think that solar energy would be the best choice, even if it does cost a lot. I pick this choice because Its renewable because it uses the sun for energy to create electricity and heat for homes and devices. It also stores up some energy that can be used even if it isn’t sunny. Some panels are small but some are big. Small ones don’t take up to much space but if you get a large one, it could take up 1/8 of your roof. This is why I think that solar energy is the best.

  5. Although windmills cost A LOT of money for this resource, I think it would be the best. Wind itself is very cheap and renewable because the wind never stops blowing. You don’t have to go anywhere for wind, because the wind blows everywhere in the world. All of the other resources will pollute even the tiniest bit, but wind will never pollute as long as it exists, when the world ends. In conclusion, wind would be the best for Blakeville because it is reliable, cheap, and it doesn’t pollute.

    -Corinne K

  6. If I was incharge of the world to chose a energy resources I would chose hydropower. I would chose hydropower because when you build a dam a lot of people visit dams just to watch the water come out of it. Dams are a great way to attract tourists. Hydropower also Creates a lot of energy for your house and other people. It creates lighting, air conditioning, heat, and many other things that you you use in your house every day!!! These are some of my reasons that I would chose hydropower for my energy source.

    Science 7, Grace Ann Doehler

  7. Dear Mrs. Blake,
    If I lived in an area where there was an abundance of every resource I would choose solar energy for two main reasons. There are many advantages if you use solar energy, but to me the biggest one is that this energy source has a raw material that will last forever. The sun powers this energy resource which is a gigantic advantage. The sun is very powerful which means you can produce lots and lots of energy from your OWN solar panels. You also get to have all the energy for yourself and you do not have to share which is also a big bonus. The next biggest important thing is that solar energy can cut your bills tremendously. Once you buy the solar panels you won’t have to buy them again for a long time. This also means that you will be able to produce lots of energy without extra expenses. These two reasons really show why solar energy is the best energy resource to use.

    Sam M.
    Science 7

  8. I would choose geothermal energy because it is available all the time and it is very reliable. Geothermal energy is very cheap, it costs only five cents per kilowatt, or three cents if you get it from a geyser. Geothermal energy is also causes no pollution. One disadvantage is that it releases some dangerous chemicals. Some of those include mercury, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. Geothermal energy only releases a little bit of these fumes. Geothermal energy is a very clean and inexpensive energy resource for any place on earth.

  9. Out of all nine of the energy sources, I would choose Natural Gas to be used by a city in the area. I would choose this energy source over the others for a few reasons. The first reason is because you can use natural gas to fuel vehicles. Most people use gasoline for their cars, but did you know that using natural gas will do the same job but cost less than using gasoline? Also, using natural gas instead of gasoline is much cleaner and it does leave any smells, ash or smoke behind like gasoline does. The next reason I would choose natural gas is because it can be used for many uses. A few of those uses would include heating your home, cooking, drying clothes, producing electricity, etc. Yes, every energy resource has a few flaws including natural gas. One negative thing about natural gas is that it is non-renewable. This means that we will once run out of this energy source. We will never run out of natural gas in our lifetime though. Those are just a couple of reasons that I would choose natural gas.

  10. Dear Mrs. Blake

    If I was in charge of picking an energy source for a town. I would pick solar energy. The reason why I would chose solar energy is because it doesn't pollute the earth. Also It can be installed and you don't have to pay at all for 25-50 years instead of having to pay every month.The bad thing to it is that it costs a lot of money to make and install.

    Jack R

  11. I think wind is the best because it is renewable , it produces lot of energy and they don’t have many raw materials to create wind energy. Wind is renewable because we can never run out of it but the wind has to be blowing west to east so the turbines will spin,if a tornado were to roll in at a wind farm the wind turbines would not produce any energy because the wind is blowing north to south.

    It produces lots of energy because the big blades on the wind turbine produce lot of energy. But wind energy is very expensive because the big blades and the space costs lots of money.

  12. I would choose wind energy because it is one renewable two it does not cause pollution. I would also choose this because it may take up a lot of land for one and expensive but it saves you so much money for years and years. And it can support you for a long time with the amount of energy it holds.

  13. I would chose Natural Gas because if it is able to to provide energy for the whole 87 years for the whole U.S. is will definitely provide a huge amount of energy for a town. Natural gas is an nonrenewable sources but still has some positives. For example natural gas has a safe pipeline system and uses an efficient distribution system.

  14. I think I would pick Nuclear because it doesn’t pollute and it it isn’t that expensive. Nuclear doesn’t pollute unless you use it the wrong way. Also it doesn’t cost that much. It costs $1.51 cents /kWh. But the bad thing is that it still can pollute the air some. It wastes the earth with the pollution of nuclear energy.

  15. There are many, many great resources for energy, but the one that I like best is natural gas. Natural gas is a nonrenewable resource, that means it can’t be made in longer than lifetime. Natural gas is my favorite because it has many advantages, but the disadvantages aren’t big. First the advantage it that it is made with petroleum, so if the gas leaks you will know if the natural gas leaks into the house. When you use this in your house it could be detected easily. Also you can use natural gas to heat your house. It is a very important heating variable, that can be used. When you use the natural gas it will be helpful for the environment.. But, on the disadvantage side of things, natural gas is expensive, for deliveries it costs about $94.40. If you wanted to deliver the gas out of state, or in to state it would be very costly. Then the making costs about $8 per thousand square feet. That could be bad for the city. The great, helpful advantages make up for the disadvantages, so that is why I think that natural gas is the right choice for the city.

  16. I believe that we should use Natural Gas because it is an efficient energy resource with many pros to it. Although natural gas is nonrenewable, it is plentiful and keeps the environment clean. Natural Gas has many advantages and few disadvantages. Natural Gas is very efficient in delivering the energy to people and is very safe and abundant. In Colorado alone, there is 23.3 trillion cubic feet of Natural Gas reserves. Plus it is petroleum so you will know if the gas is leaking because you will smell an egg like smell in your home. However, a downside is that Natural Gas can be very expensive to install and use. Overall, Natural Gas is a safe, reliant source of energy that can be used for years.
    ~Brooke Tilghman

  17. If I were to chose any resource I would chose solar. I would chose solar because even though it is expensive it has very many positive sides. It costs a lot of money to get the solar panels installed but once they are installed they cost no money to power them. Also they do not cause pollution. Solar does not cause pollution but they do take up space in your home. Solar panels can only be used in sunny areas. When it is not sunny, they use the energy that was stored up from the sunny days. If it was really sunny one day then it is cloudy the next, the extra energy from the day before that was not used can be reused again. The solar energy is a renewable resource because it is powered by the sun. The sun is basically there for a long long time for what we know, that can power the solar panels for however long you have them installed. Solar power is very useful and it would definitely be the one energy resource that I would chose in my society.

  18. I would select geothermal energy for my city to use. I would use this energy source for so many reasons. The first reason is that it wouldn’t pollute our city. Another reason is that it isn’t dangerous to breath and it won’t blow up your house like natural gas. Also Geothermal energy is renewable so we can use it forever. Once water or steam is used it can be pumped back into the earth. Unlike other energy sources geothermal energy works with the earth to make energy instead of harming the earth. Although geothermal energy plants are extremely expensive to make, I think that it would be the best investment our city will ever make.


  19. If I had access to all nine energy resources I would choose geothermal energy for these two reasons and a way we can overcome a down side. First, it causes little to no air pollution which is helpful for the environment. Global warming is a terrible thing and it’s caused by air pollution so geothermal energy will cut that down. Second, it’s a renewable energy source. You can find it all over the world, some places contain less than others. Production of this resource isn’t slowing down. A downside to this energy resource is hazardous chemicals can end up in the water in geysers so the chemicals can end up into the earths air, plants, etc. It could be very dangerous. The way we overcome this is by collecting water from the geyser, filter it, and reuse the energy. That is why I think geothermal energy would be the best option.

  20. I would chose solar because of the way it does not need maintenance after put in well it might need it in 30 years or so after installation and that it can hold and use power at the same time unlike global warming energy. I also think It would be cool to be using space powerI would chose solar because of the way it does not need maintenance after put in well it might need it in 30 years or so after installation and that it can hold and use power at the same time unlike global warming energy. I also think It would be cool to be using space powerI would chose solar because of the way it does not need maintenance after put in well it might need it in 30 years or so after installation and that it can hold and use power at the same time unlike global warming energy. I also think It would be cool to be using space power


  21. Dear Mrs. Blake,

    If I were in charge of the city I would pick Geothermal energy. I would pick this because that we know of the world will be here forever. Also, it never polluted and it is good for the environment. It is renewable so we can use it forever. But it does take a lot of time to produce it into energy. It is worth it because it is powerful. Also, if we wanted to buy it it is very cheap about 10 cents per kilowatt. Also, it is convenient to Blakeville because we have landforms near by to produce the energy. Lastly, you can get this energy source around the clock. Meaning you can access this 24 seven 365 days a year. That is why I think Geothermal energy is the best for Blakeville.


    Nick D



  22. I would chose biomass because it is abundant. For example grass is a type of biomass, it can be found almost anywhere you go. You also don’t need so much plants, for example one bag of mowed grass can power a car for a whole entire day. If you mowed a whole entire plain you could power a house for 2 months. The only problem with biomass is that it is very expensive. If you used only natural materials it would be cheap. Soon you could run out of that and would have to grow crops in new farms not to take away food. This is why I would chose biomass .

  23. I think oil is the best resource because it has many positives. Although oil is a nonrenewable resource I think many positives help it. Oil is used all around the world, not that expensive, and is reliable. Oil is found almost everywhere in the world. You use special equipment and people to find the oil and then frac it. Oil is reliable because it can last you all your life and does not go bad after a period of time. This is why you should use oil in your home and your life.

  24. I think that hydropower is the best resource for energy. I think this because it is very reliable. It is reliable because water will not run out because, of the water cycle . Hydropower is expensive but you can overlook that by thinking about how much money you will save in the long run. Hydropower is also easy-ish to set up. You just need to know where to put it to be most cost efficient.

  25. Wind energy is a very efficient energy resource because, first it’s renewable. Anyways it cost 4 cents per kilowatt. A home needs about 5 kw to meet electricity needs. That saves so much money! It is good because if it is really hot, wind will blow. That will create lots of energy. THere are so many advantages for wind energy. One, it does not cause pollution. One turbine can last for 50 years! That could save even more money. But sometimes the wind would not blow and some homes that require this energy does not get any.

  26. If I could control an energy resource in a city I would pick coal. I think I would pick coal for three important reasons. First, I would pick coal because it can last more than a human lifetime. Even know it is nonrenewable if it last that long I think it as an exception. Second, coal is not expensive. That means you can use more of it while not paying for a lot which means coal would be better to run a town if it was not very well on money. Last, I picked coal because it burns on a low temperature so you don't have to use more energy and don't have to pollute as much as you would think. Clearly, You can see that if I used coal I would save money, lasts a long time, and does not pollute as much.

  27. I would chose wind because one swipe of the turbine will give a nofe energy to power a house and if we had 5 or so we could power a hole cumonity. This is wy i think it would be a good idea to use wind to ower our city

  28. Dear Mrs.Blake

    If I was in charge of choosing the energy resource I would choose Solar.
    I would choose Solar for two big reason. The first reason is that it does not Pollute the air and will not cause harm to humans and animals.The second reason for emphasizing Solar is because after you pay money to install you will never have to pay again. This energy source is great but it also cost a lot of money.

    Saelah Pescevic
